Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Day 15–to Calzadilla de la Cueza—beautiful canal walk—May 6, 2024

I got a late morning start at 8 o’clock from Fromista and the weather was good, but a bit windy.

After breakfast of a potato/egg pie, coffee, OJ in Poblacion de Campos, the Camino ran along side a canal for several hours.  They had planted these beautiful blossoming pink tamarisk trees all along the trail.  

After leaving the canal area, I stopped for lunch at a full service restaurant in the Villalcazar de Sirga village where I had a calamari sandwich and a raspberry mango smoothie called a “Fantasy”.  Both were delicious.

Betsy and Emma caught up with me and joined me for lunch while we looked across the way at the Cathedral

Just after leaving lunch, I stopped by to greet this fellow sitting along the street.

After that the scenery changed to open fields of grain.

From Carrion de Los Condes it was a long 17 km to the next place to stay the night in Calzadilla de la Cueza.

Several times during the day, I met up with Betsy and Emma from the US and walked with time for a bit until they powered ahead while I took short breaks.

I was planning to stay in the Hotel Camino Real, but it was full.

Betsy and Emma had reservations at the Camino Real Albergue and tried to save a bottom bunk for me there, but they had run out of them.

When I got into town, both managers of the Camino Real and Muni Albergue were waiting for me about an hour after Betsy and Emma had arrived and told me that they did have a bottom bunk for me at the Municipal Albergue for €10.  What a thoughtful gesture on everybody’s part since I arrived at 6:15 PM—“optimo peligrino por hoy.”  It was a long 24.5 mile walk of 10 hours 15 minutes.

The bed and showers were amazing here.

I spotted Michael from the Netherlands that had hiked with it before was in bed and he was sick with lots of vomiting. I gave him some of my medicine, the hopes that it might help fortunately he was right next to the bathroom go for relief.

After showering, I went next door for something to eat and I ended up having 2 OJs and a garbanzo soup and met two more pilgrims from the US, Jan and Jody. I think both were retired from the military and one as an AF Colonel. She  had been assigned as a liaison to the White House so she got to attend a lot of fancy events.

In the morning, I checked with Michael and  he was feeling a little better and I saw him early in the day along the trail.

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